Mount View High School

High expectations and opportunities for all to thrive.

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Year 8 Adviser

Term 3 Reflections

“Develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease to grow.”

Anthony J. D’Angelo

When considering Year 8’s journey of learning, I have been in awe of how they have displayed their passion recently. From our Year 8 Debating team of Olivia, Charlotte, Natalia and Ella, who expound their knowledge eloquently on topics such as the advantages of a particular idea or why animals should not be used in competitive sport to our Year 8 Dancers of Emily, Mia, Layla, Storm and Kalayah who’s pointed and tapped toes graced the Newcastle Entertainment Centre at Starstruck. From our Year 8 Leaders Nick, Cooper, Mia and Emily who constantly serve our wider school community by serving others to our Year 8 Athletic Superstars like Tynan who’s legs run for k’s and k’s, lapping the competition. The amount of sheer talent and passion to strive in their respective fields demonstrates that the more you learn and grow, the more your passion develops. 

Year 8 also inspires me as a leader to let my passion for learning and guiding shine through more in all that I do. They inspire me to try new things and take chances. They encourage me to adapt to the many changes that occur in modern teenagehood and to stay up to date on what is happening in our wider world. So thank you Year 8 for being amazing, intelligent young men and women who shine in your own respective ways. 

As always, Term 3 assessments are upon us and as a result, parents and carers are reminded of our Year 8 assessment schedule (as shown below) and that should their child be away, that it is important that contact is made with the relevant teachers. 

I am always here to support the wellbeing of your child and want to celebrate what they do, both in and outside of the school. If you have any great news or event that your child has participated in that you would like me to know about, please reach out! I’d love to hear about it and celebrate their achievements no matter where they occur.