“The time has come,'the Walrus said,
To talk of many things:
Of shoes — and ships — and sealing wax —
Of cabbages — and kings —
And why the sea is boiling hot —
And whether pigs have wings.'
(Lewis Carroll)
It is with much sadness that I bid you all adieu and hand the English Faculty back to the substantive Head Teacher, Melissa Wyper (Wed-Fri), supported by Ainslie Martin (Mon-Tues). English is also farewelling Hannah Rope who is heading up to HSIE after working tirelessly to support her students. In our place, the English Faculty will welcome Claire Metcalfe and Natalie Parsons-Clair who are excited to be a part of Mount View High School.
All years have completed assessments and some with gusto. Year 7 watched and listened to a speech about mobile phone addiction then responded to questions before writing persuasive paragraphs of their own. Some were quite convincing about why students should decide what they learn as evident below:
Year 8 completed a slideshow where they transformed a print advertisement into a digital storyboard which they then presented. Year 9 chose speculative texts and completed a research task while Year 10 had Yearly examinations in Week 4.
We welcomed the Class of 2025 into Year 12 and into the study of the Common Module; Texts and Human Experience. All three courses English Studies, Standard and Advanced completed a presentation on their prescribed texts and a related text.
For the first time in a number of years, 2025 will see an Elective Drama class commence in Year 9 and Ms Payne is excited to work closely with students to build their theatrical skills. Debating should continue to be a focus under the watchful eyes of Ms Gannon and Ms Baum and Ms Crichton will remain in her role as Peer Support Coordinator.
So it has been an exciting year with lots to celebrate as the year ends. I’d like to wish everyone a happy and safe holiday and all the best for the coming year.