Mount View High School

High expectations and opportunities for all to thrive.

Telephone02 4990 2566

Deputy Principal Report - 7, 9, 11

To students of Years 7, 9 and 11,

I hope you are all getting used to finding your way through our 'new normal'.

There are lots of staff working even harder than usual to make sure they reach every student and that you have everything you need to engage in your learning in the way that you like best.

Don't be afraid to reach out for help if you have any problems at all. 


Stay Calm.

Be Kind.

We are here.

Strengthening the HSC Support Strategy

Our first wellbeing support morning tea was held on Thursday 5th March with both our Youth Worker Em Thompson and Chaplain Hannah Christopher invited as special guests.

Em spoke about the effects of stress on performance levels and provided a number of strategies to manage the demands of study and life balance to maximise personal wellbeing.

Students appreciated the catering provided by Ms Scheffler, Ms Ostle, Mrs Myers and the TAS team and will continue to be supported in the LIbrary with the Senior Study Tutor Ms Jess Schafer, the SPHERE with the Wellbeing team and through the practice of mindfulness run weekly in check in by Mrs Anna Wells. The Term 2 morning tea will consist of a Q & A panel of ex-HSC students who will share their different pathways and experiences.

Special Religious Education 

Year 7 students who nominated to attend special religious education classes have been attending a 30 minute class every week with Mrs Elizabeth Brown. Students attending this class do not miss out on normal curriculum programs during this time.

Some students who had not returned their permission letter with their enrolment form have joined the program since coming to Mount View. If you would like more information to consider how this fits with your own religious persuasion and make an informed choice, please request an information letter from Mrs Jeffery. If your child has not returned your preference then please communicate with office staff so that organisation can commence on this aspect of your child’s education.

You can find out more information on this on our website under Learning at our School/Religion and Ethics

Class Visits 

I have had the pleasure of visiting all Year 7 classes this term to share their learning experiences in a range of subjects. All Year 7 students have been issued with a copy of the NSW Public Schools Behaviour Code which we discussed at length focusing on the many ways that respect can be recognised in our school. We also discussed many of the items on the banned items list and the reasons behind keeping all students safe. 

Year 7 

I had a wonderful time visiting Year 7 at camp and joining some of the fun activities. Kayaking, leap of faith and mud world featured heavily while the staff particularly enjoyed Commando!

Back Row: Mr Thompson, Mr Reid, Mr Quigley, Miss Springbett, Miss Schafer, Mr Hamilton

Centre: Ms Groves

Front Row:  Miss McCloy, Miss Bishop, Miss Love 

Kate Bernard and

Charlie Wilson

Year 7 working on their artist study Jean-Michel Basquiat using oil pastels. Focus was on the elements of line, colour and texture.

Ayden Taylor

Sophie Shelton and

Sarah Olivey

Kennedy Tiernan and

Jess Pateman

Year 9

Isabella Rector –

Visual Arts

Year 9

Shona Bush-Wells –

Visual Arts

Year 11

Liam Browne –

Industrial Technology Timber

Tell Them From Me - Student Surveys

The Tell Them From Me student surveys will again be completed by students during Term 2 to provide us with insight into student engagement, wellbeing and effective teaching practices at our school, from the perspective of students. The survey is confidential and identifies trends within schools over time to better inform school priorities. The survey is regularly offered to our students, staff and parents.

The student survey will be conducted entirely online and should take most students 15 to 20 minutes on average to complete.

The survey asked students a range of questions related to the following:

The survey data can help schools:

  • understand students' perspectives on critical aspects of their school experience, such as social and institutional engagement, wellbeing and exposure to quality teaching practices
  • provide evidence of areas of strength to support self-assessment and reporting
  • engage the school community in discussions to identify strategic directions for school improvement
  • establish quantitative improvement measures and help schools track achievement against them.

Both staff and parents will have the opportunity to complete a survey in Term 3. More information will be provided closer to this date.

Cessnock Chamber of Commerce Breakfast

The senior leaders recently attended the Cessnock Chamber of Commerce Breakfast featuring guest speaker Dr Paula Robinson. Paula is currently a registered, consulting Psychologist, speaker and Managing Director of the Positive Psychology Institute specialising in the science, application and integration of traditional Psychology and Positive Psychology. Paula has been a tremendous support in our Positive Education journey here at Mount View High School as we have embraced the Five Ways to Wellbeing. Paula also spoke with local boxing legend Troy O’Meley who recently won the Australian title in his weight division. He linked the '5 ways' to the sports psychology that he uses to focus in his training. It was an inspiring morning for staff and students.

School Leaders Rose Lucas, Georgia Bradley, Fei Fei Liu and Bohdan Thorley with Troy O’Meley