Mount View High School

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Human Society & Its Environment

Message to Year 12 HSIE Students

Congratulations must go to the Year 12 HSIE students on their admirable effort during the Trial Examinations for Legal Studies, Business Studies, Geography, Modern History, Ancient History, Extension History and Retail Services. Their hard work and dedication are truly commendable and are setting a strong foundation for your upcoming HSC exams. If studetns did not achieve the results they had hoped for, they shouldn't be discouraged, there is still time to put that extra effort into revision!

As they prepare, they should remember to focus on effective study techniques such as creating a revision schedule, practising past papers, timing their practice responses and reviewing key concepts. Teaming up with a study buddy over the holidays or having someone at home quiz them from their study notes. Equally important is maintaining their health and wellbeing—ensure they get adequate sleep, eat nutritious meals and take regular breaks to manage stress.

Balancing study with relaxation will help students stay focused and perform to their best. We hope they keep up the great work and remember that their efforts now will pave the way for future success. We believe in their abilities and are excited to see them achieve their goals.

Year 11 Work Studies

Recently, as part of their Teamwork and Enterprise topic, the Year 11 Work Studies class organised and operated a hot chips stall to raise money for a charity of their choice. During class time, the students were assigned roles to organise the planning, marketing and running of the stall. It was a massive success, and the class should be proud of their efforts in outstanding collaboration and organising an initiative to help others in our community. A total profit of $397.70 was raised for the Salvation Army, Cessnock. On behalf of the Work Studies class, we thank all students, teachers and parents who supported this initiative.

Year 11 Ancient History

This term year 11 have been fascinated by the tragic tale of Masada and entranced by the glittering images of power and authority from ancient Egypt. One of the students, Maddison Fletcher, was inspired to compose a poem encompassing the plight of this poignant Jewish story of sacrifice and tale of archaeology and historians.

Masada Poem

The need to rise is human

Our pain becomes our pride

To die for a God

Or destiny for a nation

Gives us the wealth to guide


Masada is large

And just may not be true

But one story of death

Inspires pride in Israeli Jews


They believed in their god,

Enough to die on that hill

Surrounded by the enemy

Ready themselves to kill.


Our pride may cause pain

But our loyalties lie in which we know

For Masada knew who was their god

And their foe.

Year 9 Travel and Tourism

Year 9 Travel and Tourism students have spent the past term exploring the Oceanography topic. Throughout their studies, they gained an understanding of the world’s oceans, with a particular focus on the environmental impacts of pollution, especially that which is caused by cruise ships.

To enhance their familiarity with the five oceans, students worked collaboratively in groups to research and design an informative and creative wall display. 

Additionally, these students took the initiative to create their own mythical sea creatures, drawing inspiration from the unique features of animals that inhabit various ocean depths.

The class also conducted an in-depth investigation into the issues surrounding the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. Following their research, they designed posters to raise awareness of this critical environmental concern.

For the remainder of the year students will learn about the varied cultures, landscapes and significant places that can be found as one travels from the southern part of South America to the United States of America along the Pan-American Highway.

"We have all enjoyed broadening our knowledge about oceanography and will continue to deepen our understanding of further chosen topics in the future. Go travel!"

from: Charlotte, Violet, Emily and Arohanui.

Year 8 Geography

Students have been studying different landscapes and landforms. Focusing on the depths of the Great Barrier Reef in their assessment task, students have produced engaging work of a high standard. Students from 8S also chose to compose their own creative interpretation of the reef and viable threats. This included songs, posters, paintings, models or poems. Some examples are shown below. 

Year 7 Geography

Year 7 geography students have been diving into the fascinating world of "Water in the World," with a spotlight on sharks and their vital role in marine ecosystems. They've explored the crucial balance sharks maintain in ocean health and examined the limitations of traditional shark nets. They’ve investigated cutting-edge alternatives like drones, smart drum lines, and app technology. For their assessment, students wrote compelling extended responses on shark conservation and mitigation strategies. The engaging topic sparked enthusiasm and allowed students to hone their skills in crafting structured paragraphs and using cause and effect language, all while deepening their geographical knowledge and written communication skills. 

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