Mount View High School

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English & Drama

Spring Has Sprung

Another term is nearing its close,
As petals bloom from the budding rose.
Year 12 will leave us far behind,
With exams (and freedom) on their mind.

Year 7 worked hard on writing drills,
Gaining strength through practiced skills.
For Year 8, the environment was key,
And their results brought pride and glee.

Year 9 explored both Podcasts and verse,
Studying culture, challenges, and worse.
Learning what it means to belong,
And how life’s struggles make us strong.

In Year 10, Macbeth proved to be vile,
Essays followed after a while.
For others, star-crossed lovers met their fate,
Their real tragedy brought about by hate.

But the seniors? They’ve been busiest of all,
With exams in ECBC and the hall.
Year 11 turns twelve by term’s end,
While Year 12 graduates, goodbye to friends.

Just one more term before we cheer,
And leave it all behind this year.
Yet another ten weeks stand in our way,
We’ll count down slowly, day by day.

Not that we don’t love to see student succeed,
We guide and mentor them, hoping they’ll lead.
But holidays are where we’re freed,
To sit by the shore and read, read, read.

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