Mount View High School

High expectations and opportunities for all to thrive.

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Creative & Performing Arts

Welcome Miss Kennedy!

Mount View Creative and Performing Arts Faculty are so lucky to have Ms Kennedy working with our students. She has shown great leadership and involved herself in many extra-curricular activities such as STEAM day, Connecting to Culture Camp and the Year 7 Gala Day. Her dedication to providing opportunities to all students and encouraging everyone to thrive is exemplary. Welcome to Mount View Ms Kennedy! – Ms Alder

My name is Brandi Kennedy and I am new to Mount View High School. I am Art and PE trained, however, teach across three faculties which is been an adventure in itself. 

I have always wanted to become a teacher and my first-year teaching at this wonderful school has been nothing short of an exciting experience so far!

When I am not teaching or thinking of new ways to teach, I spend all my time with my American-Staffy, Alfie or getting involved with my own fitness and sport. I love being outdoors and interacting with new people which has worked hand in hand with my great career. -Ms Kennedy


Our Year 12 students have been celebrating the culmination of their Higher School Certificate projects and performance programs. On Tuesday, 3rd September, we held the Annual CaPA Grad Night, a wonderful event where families and friends gathered to enjoy an impressive showcase of student work and performances. 

The students’ Visual Artworks are now awaiting assessment by HSC examiners, while Music 1 students will be presenting their Core Performance and Electives to the examiners on Tuesday 17th September. All Year 12 students will complete their written exams in October.

A special thank you goes to Ms. Alder, Miss Schafer, Mr. Daniels, and Mr. Waterson for their dedication and support in guiding and nurturing our Year 12 students over the past two years.

We wish our Year 12s every success and hope they continue to embrace the creative and performing arts in the years to come.



Year 8 Music students have been working hard on developing their composition skills, using the industry-standard software program, Mixcraft. Throughout the term, they’ve been selecting musical samples from a vast digital library, combining them to create their own original pieces that reflect popular music styles. These compositions explore key musical concepts such as rhythm, melody, and harmony, showcasing the students' creativity and growing understanding of production. Their hard work has resulted in some impressive musical creations that reflect the diversity and energy of contemporary music.


Year 9 Music have been studying film music and specifically exploring the scores of legendary composer Hans Zimmer. This term they had to use their knowledge of the functions of film music and create a composition. They chose a film with no music or sound effects from the list of five different genre film clips and import the video file into the digital audio workstation Mixcraft. Year 9 created musical scores and sound effects to accompany their selected film. This task allowed all students to participate in a real-world creative experience, composing their own score that appropriately created the right mood and atmosphere for the video clip they chose. 


On Tuesday 13th August, Year 9 Photography & Digital Media embarked on a trip to Newcastle and Merewether to photograph the surrounding skate park, baths as well as buildings new and old, in an attempt to represent the genre of Street photography.

Cameras in hand, we were met with pleasant weather and a lot of subject matter with the people and surroundings. A successful day was had with a truckload of films to develop in the following lessons.


Year 7 Skate!

Students in Year Seven have all created their own Skate Company and are well on their way to creating a corporate identity and merchandise designs for it. Armed with a clear vision statemen,t the students are developing their own iconic brands.

Logos, shoes, T-shirts and sticker designs give the students opportunities to demonstrate their understanding of design principles in art and graphics.

The ultimate piece of merchandise will be the Skate Decks that students are completing. 

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