Mount View High School

High expectations and opportunities for all to thrive.

Telephone02 4990 2566

Year 11 Adviser

Year 11 have adjusted well to senior studies. With many having now completed their first round of senior assessment, they are beginning to realise the importance of planning. Parents are encouraged to remind students that they have the support of a senior study tutor to assist with organisation and preparation. Miss Schafer is available on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons in the school library.

Miss Schafer has organised an app to help students plan and stay up to date with everything school. The app is called Timetree.

I have been impressed with students communicating directly with their teachers as many have been unwell during the term. I encourage students to use the appeal process if they are ill or suffer a misadventure. In addition, parents can telephone to discuss areas of concern.

Here is the Assessment overview for Term 2. It can also be accessed from our school website.

Our Senior jersey order has been submitted and we should receive them by the end of May, perfect for the colder weather.

Year 11 have also adjusted to the senior lifestyle. Enjoying the senior area and, of course, the senior cafe. 

Wishing you all the best for a lovely break and looking forward to a productive and memorable Term 2.