Mount View High School

High expectations and opportunities for all to thrive.

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Teaching and Learning

The Teaching and Learning faculty have had the opportunity to support the GEM alternative education class for Year 9 and welcomed Mr Michael Gray, their class teacher, who has joined the faculty. Mr Gray’s vast experience working with a range of high schools and Alesco has provided valuable insight on how to engage students with cross-curricula learning and key life skills focusing on pre-employment. The GEM students look forward to many opportunities that are coming their way, having enjoyed the recent fishing trip and PCYC Fit For Life program in Term 1.

I would like to thank all our Year 7 and 9 students who recently completed the NAPLAN assessments. These assessments are an important tool that helps us identify areas of strength and areas where we need to focus our efforts to improve. Teaching staff will be able to use these results to help inform teaching and learning programs and lesson development throughout the year.

In addition to NAPLAN, we continue to focus on improving our students' literacy and numeracy skills through the Small Group Tuition initiative funded by the NSW government. We have implemented a range of withdrawal interventions and support programs to help students who may be struggling in these areas as well as catching up on missed learning. Our Learning and Support teachers and SLSO’s are working to ensure that our students have access to the resources and support they need to succeed moving forward with their education.

If your child is in need of additional support in literacy or numeracy, I encourage you to speak to their classroom teacher or to one of our learning and support teachers. We are always here to help and are committed to ensuring that every student at Mount View High School has the opportunity to reach their full potential.