Mount View High School

High expectations and opportunities for all to thrive.

Telephone02 4990 2566

Year 12 Adviser

Hi Parents and Caregivers,

As graduation is fast approaching we have a number of activities that need to be finalised to prepare for this event. Firstly, we are asking that all parents-caregivers record a short video message (5-10 seconds) from home congratulating students on their completion of Year 12. An email has been sent  detailing the instructions and how to forward this video to the school. Please reach out if you need any support with completing this.

Also, an email was sent out detailing a whole group excursion to Treetops. This event will take place on Tuesday 19th September. Permission notes and payments need to be returned in order to finalise the details. I look forward to having a beautiful day out with the students and hope that the whole year group can join us on this excursion.

Lastly, I hope that you and your families are able to join us for the graduation ceremony on Wednesday the 20th of September. Please remember this will take place after school and full school uniform is required. If anyone needs support with this or any of the upcoming events please reach out.