Mount View High School

High expectations and opportunities for all to thrive.

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KuNarr (Support)

Alternative Education

During term 4, our faculty participated in a program pilot which was initiated by Mr Hamilton and Mr Quigley, after organising a visit to Hunter Sports High School. The program is designed to re-engage students in learning through targeted literacy and numeracy interventions, mentoring through sport activities and is aligned with the 5 Ways of Wellbeing. Students also attend a local retirement village supporting social activities and provided some hospitality assistance.

The Alternative Education Program which ran this term, was a collaboration between mainstream and KuNarr staff and students. It was strongly supported by everyone involved and KuNarr faculty is looking to continue the pilot into next year and broadening the student’s participation base. 


This year we see the end of an era as one of our last original staff members, Sarah Dobson, is leaving the faculty to take up her new classroom teacher position in a primary school. Mrs Dobson established the second MC class and witnessed many students successfully transition to post school options. Her passion for students with disabilities and contribution to the faculty has been highly valued and we wish Sarah every success at her new school.

Mrs Marsh, School Learning Support Officer (SLSO), is taking extended leave for 2024, where she’ll be testing the waters of life after school. Mrs Marsh is a valued member of our faculty who has been with the Department for many years. She is looking forward to pursring other interests away from school and enjoying extended time with family and friends.

Both Mrs Dobson and Mrs Marsh will be greatly missed by staff and students across the school.

As part of the changes to staffing, KuNarr faculty would like to extend a warm welcome to two new incoming staff members who are joining us in a permanent capacity. Mrs Kennedy has been appointed to Mrs Dobson’s position and Mrs Beard is a new SLSO, who was successful through the merit selection process. Our staff and students have met Mrs Kennedy and Mrs Beard as they have already joined our faculty for a couple of days in preparation for 2024. We are excited to have them both working within our faculty.

Mrs Hindmarsh will also be continuing in her role as SLSO in Mrs Marsh's absence.

Swim School

Once again, this term, our students completed Swim School with year 8. The program supports students’ capacity to understand the importance of sun and water safety along with survival strategies in a range of water environments.  

As part of the program, students have an opportunity to complete their Bronze medallion and this year, one KuNarr student achieved this milestone. A huge congratulations to Joshua Henry who set himself a goal of achieving his Bronze medallion this year.  Joshua’s courage to step outside of his comfort zone to achieve a personal goal is highly commendable. A massive congratulations to him on his efforts. 

Baiame Cave – Mr Reid

Our KuNarr Faculty was fortunate enough to visit Baiame Cave with Wonnarua Elder Uncle Warren, where he shared his cultural knowledge of the land and Baiame. The information that was passed down reinforced the staff and student’s understanding of the Dreamtime, which has been explored in Aboriginal Studies this year.

Mambo – Mrs Dobson:

During this semester, Mambo has been learning about how food shapes and changes cultures throughout the world. We have cooked a variety of cuisines, including Mexican, Japanese, Chinese, Thai and Italian. The sushi was a big hit with all students.

Jilliby and Watagan – Mel Ellaway 

Well done to our talented students! Our Watagan and Jilliby English class participated in a diorama competition creating their chosen biome. Their dioramas beautifully showcased the dedication and creativity put into understanding biomes. It's evident that a fantastic semester of learning has come to a close, as we look forward to our Christmas holidays.