Mount View High School

High expectations and opportunities for all to thrive.

Telephone02 4990 2566

The Principal's View

On Wednesday July 27, we inducted a new leadership team and passed on our gratitude to our departing leaders for their significant contribution. Our four departing captains and vice captains Lachlan McDonald, Jordan Flint, Sam Leslie and Noone Khairam were appreciative of their personal growth achieved in the role.

Congratulations to Sienna Newsome and Caylan Law - school captains for 2022 / 2023 and also to Briley Hunt and Abbi Moore, school vice captains for 2022 / 2023.

Congratulations also to Madison Durrington, Amelia Carr, Kaleb Floyd, Bailey Norris and Willow Parkes who were inducted into the MVHS Junior Aboriginal Education Consultative Group.

Education Week

The Mount View High School Education Week Awards for 2022 were presented last Wednesday evening. Our new school captains were outstanding in hosting this event as was the musical performance by Briley Hunt.

Congratulations to Melissa Parish and Craig Jarrett who won awards for excellence in teaching; Megan Neville and Julie Craft who were recognised for their non-teaching roles and contribution to our school and student outcomes; Jordan Flint and Lachlan McDonald recognised for their outstanding contribution and dedication as students of Mount View High School; Anthony and Natasha Morris, recognised for their community contribution supporting the school through their involvement in the P&C; and to the success of our Boy’s Maintenance program run by Andrew Newman and Brad Walker that continues to drive school improvement through an innovative mentor program.

2023 Subject Lines

At Mount View High School, our subject selection process delivers line structures based on student preference. We invest in software that runs thousands of scenarios and produces line sets based on maximising student access to preferred subjects. Subject lines were discussed and unanimously endorsed at last week’s executive meeting.

The 2023 line structures are a result of a student centred approach that has been endorsed by executive to ensure equity for year groups. Students in Years 8, 9 and 10 will receive written confirmation of elective class enrolment later this term. Students in Year 10 will have final subject selection interviews this week across Wednesday, Thursday and Friday in the Futures room with Bec Knipe, Jess Schafer, Craig Clinton and Sarah Bendall.

2023 Curriculum Update

This year we have continued to evaluate our curriculum structure and how it impacts on learning outcomes for our students. In 2023 our curriculum structure and timings will be tweaked to allow improvement in the delivery of whole school sport. Stage 5 sport will run during period 2 & 3 on a Thursday, and Stage 4 sport P4 & 5 also on Thursday. Stage 6 (Year 11 and 12) will finish after P5 on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Executive will now be available to support/assist during sport if necessary with the weekly executive meeting having a delayed start to P6 each Thursday. The adjusted model has potential to increase access to resources for students, increase executive support, improve attendance, engagement and behaviour, align with swim school operations and focus on targeted/ talented sports programs.

Trial HSC examinations

The senior executive has been exploring external venue options for Year 12 to complete some of their Trial HSC exams. ECBC has been identified as having a suitable space with excellent lighting, discrete entry and exit, dedicated toilets, air conditioning and soundproofing. Depending on the success of the Trials, we will look to hold the HSC exams at this venue.

Toilet update

The toilets are progressing ahead of schedule at the moment. Tiling is expected to be completed this week and will be followed by cubicle partitioning, toilets, sinks and dyson hand dryers. It will be great to move from the temporary facilities in our playground into these excellent modern toilets.

GP Clinic

The GP clinic commenced operation at Mount View High School in Term 4 2019 with an aim to provide barrier free access to health care for students in Year 11 and 12. The clinic operates on a Wednesday on odd school weeks between 8.30am and 12pm and then on a Tuesday, even weeks, between 9.00am and 12pm. Students need to  make a booking via the HOTDOCs app to attend, amongst other requirements.

The team that runs the GP clinic are pictured right. Nicole Payne, the GP is centre, Nurse Jip is in the blue far right and Cindy Jeffery the Practice Manager from Allways Health Care is on the left. Dr David Jones is the GP for odd week bookings (not pictured) and Dr Nicole Payne attends to even week bookings.

There are a number of policy documents relating to the clinic operation.

Uniform Update

MVHS is working toward developing a hoodie jumper option for 2023. A short survey has been established with support from our senior leaders to allow for consultation to occur.

The survey can be accessed here Following the consultation period I will let the community know of the preferred colour and style and work with Lowes and Flannagans to establish the hoodie as a jumper option for 2023.